setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
不会等到凑到 最大传输单元再发
asyncio的socket选项 TCP_NODELAY 在python 3.6后就被默认设置
setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
不会等到凑到 最大传输单元再发
asyncio的socket选项 TCP_NODELAY 在python 3.6后就被默认设置
import time from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor def print_hello(): while True: print('sleep 1') time.sleep(1) def print_goodbye(): while True: print('sleep 2') time.sleep(2) with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as e: e.submit(print_hello) e.submit(print_goodbye)
import asyncio async def print_hello(): while True: print('sleep 1') await asyncio.sleep(1) async def print_goodbye(): while True: print('sleep 2') await asyncio.sleep(2) co1 = print_hello() co2 = print_goodbye() asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(co1, co2)) 比 asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete 更简洁
rfcomm的使用,类似tcp, 也有port的概念,在rfcomm中,称为channel, channel可以从1到30
L2CAP, 默认最大包是 672, 但可以协商到65535
在L2CAP中, port 被称作psm(Protocol Service Multiplexers), 从1到32767的奇数。
通过 Service Discovery Protocol 来寻找端口号
$ hciconfig hci0: Type: Primary Bus: USB BD Address: E1:E2:E3:E7:E8:91 ACL MTU: 1021:4 SCO MTU: 96:6 UP RUNNING PSCAN ISCAN RX bytes:16759 acl:20 sco:0 events:2538 errors:0 TX bytes:605245 acl:20 sco:0 commands:2498 errors:0 关闭 hciconfig hci0 down 开启 hciconfig hci0 up 查看设备名称 hciconfig hci0 name hci0: Type: Primary Bus: USB BD Address: E1:E2:E3:E7:E8:91 ACL MTU: 1021:4 SCO MTU: 96:6 Name: 'radio'
$ lsusb Bus 001 Device 004: ID 8087:0a2b Intel Corp. Bluetooth wireless interface
hcitool scan ... hcitool con
sdptool用来搜索并浏览 SDP服务, 或者配置本机的SDP
$ sdptool browse 88:BB:99:11:22:33 Browsing 88:BB:99:11:22:33 ... Service RecHandle: 0x10001 Service Class ID List: "PnP Information" (0x1200) Protocol Descriptor List: "L2CAP" (0x0100) PSM: 1 "SDP" (0x0001) Language Base Attr List: code_ISO639: 0x656e encoding: 0x6a base_offset: 0x100 Profile Descriptor List: "PnP Information" (0x1200) Version: 0x0100 Failed to connect to SDP server on 88:BB:99:11:22:33 Connection refused Service Name: SerialPort Service RecHandle: 0x10007 Service Class ID List: "Serial Port" (0x1101) Protocol Descriptor List: "L2CAP" (0x0100) "RFCOMM" (0x0003) Channel: 6 Language Base Attr List: code_ISO639: 0x656e encoding: 0x6a base_offset: 0x100 Profile Descriptor List: "Serial Port" (0x1101) Version: 0x0100
而 hcidump 则类似于 tcpdump
l2ping 88:BB:99:11:22:33 Ping: 88:BB:99:11:22:33 from E1:E2:E3:E7:E8:91 (data size 44) ... 0 bytes from 88:1B:99:16:F6:AD id 0 time 7.11ms 0 bytes from 88:1B:99:16:F6:AD id 1 time 5.95ms 0 bytes from 88:1B:99:16:F6:AD id 2 time 4.80ms 0 bytes from 88:1B:99:16:F6:AD id 3 time 4.66ms
发送 echo 包到另一台设备
echo包是一个特殊类型的 LCAP包
rfcomm bind /dev/rfcomm0 88:BB:99:11:22:33 6
将channel 6 绑定到 /dev/rfcomm0 上,形成一个虚拟 serial port
rfcomm bind 6 98:D3:31:FC:73:2D
将channel 6 绑定到 /dev/rfcomm6上
rfcomm connect /dev/rfcomm0 88:BB:99:11:22:33 6
在 Python 3.3 之后 socket,直接支持蓝牙
import socket import binascii macAddr = '88:BB:99:11:22:33' port = 6 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_BLUETOOTH, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.BTPROTO_RFCOMM) s.connect((macAddr, port)) s.send(binascii.unhexlify('1200AAAAAA9669000B0600FFF20000000000')) data = s.recv(4) print(data)
如果不支持AF_BLUETOOTH, 也可以用串口, 但是必须 先绑定正确的channel
import serial DEVICE = '/dev/rfcomm6' BAUD_RATE = 115200 s = serial.Serial(DEVICE, BAUD_RATE) print('Connect to', DEVICE) # Send data s.write(b'hello\n') # Receive data data = print(data)
大质数 p, q 并且p!=q
欧拉函数 φ(n) = r =(p-1)*(q-1) 表示 在小于等于n的正整数之中,有多少个与n构成互质关系
选择一个整数e, e小于r, e与r互质
令e*d= 1%r 也就是 e*d – 1 = k * φ(n)
N 称为 public modulus
e 称为 public exponent
d 称为 private exponent
p 称为 secrete prime factor, prime1
q 称为 secrete prime factor, prime2
dmp1 d mod (p-1), exponent1
dmq1 d mod (q-1), exponent2
iqmp q^-1 mod p, coefficient, (inverse of q) mod p
30 TAG->Sequence 81 长模式长度 89 长度 02 TAG -->Integer 81 81 00 C8 38 4C C5 17 6B D5 80 97 01 B6 37 59 0A EC 3E 5A A5 7E 81 DE 69 6E 5E 09 D5 39 42 01 07 EA A7 A1 C1 18 40 96 72 89 2C 9F 49 3C EE F8 7E 00 EE 73 45 E5 08 EA 80 EE EB 59 4B 6F 96 3E 8D 27 C7 11 BE 4B B9 EB 38 37 71 CB 80 3A B8 D5 F3 6B A8 A7 09 29 C4 44 D1 78 DA 8A DE 70 28 D4 40 D7 10 A2 AB C6 9D 91 AE E2 1D 1B 89 EA 59 55 96 6F BA 43 79 00 E2 38 BC E0 0D 79 D7 4A C7 79 B8 7D 89 02 03 短模式长度 01 00 01 私: 30 82 02 5E 02 (整数) 01 00 (表示版本0) 02 (整数) 81 81 (n) 00 E9 EA 93 B3 58 D9 54 2C B4 C7 AC E8 56 EA 39 38 F0 C8 1C 2C D5 C9 E3 C2 B2 74 12 E3 B5 35 FE A2 06 FD 6C 3F 9F B0 D0 6F 16 96 46 3E 30 E9 72 6C 1B E5 4F F7 A4 B8 83 60 40 01 B6 D3 E3 64 F4 94 15 46 AD 1A 84 A3 12 5A 0B 5D B0 A4 51 5D FA 9C 60 BA 40 C5 52 49 E9 33 15 CA 7C FD 86 97 7A 09 C4 7D 1B 24 3A 91 C4 17 B9 15 67 0E 5A 32 68 CD 3F 47 E7 A7 A9 CE F1 6F FB 1D 22 AE B3 6B E2 2B 02 03 (e) 01 00 01 02 81 81 (d) 00 86 7F C6 0B A2 B3 DB ED 94 C9 17 47 C4 EA 0A 9B 0D FF D2 0B 89 A5 FB 5B 30 E7 03 11 81 59 99 9F 2A AB BE F9 5A 65 FD 83 52 96 77 AF 3C CA 8E 6B 51 22 EA 77 37 74 8C BD E4 2F D8 23 3F A6 05 E6 A2 66 B0 DA 19 07 0E E7 33 2F 43 79 7C 7D 6F 39 01 62 CC D9 6F A6 6D 55 B2 97 9B 0B 9E B1 AF 56 2B 2C B4 05 A4 2F 52 69 D7 E0 8E D2 EB 25 FE F6 71 7D FE CB 05 58 99 9D 69 00 E6 9D A6 77 1F 61 02 41 (p) 00 F5 9F 70 10 A3 C7 D7 8A BC D8 1E 8F FB 16 D7 33 E5 3E B0 E8 17 5F DD 9F FF CE AC FB 20 9F AF 5E A1 6A 79 8D E7 78 8E CA 31 91 D2 F3 6A B1 0A 46 03 24 11 EE 90 DA 36 89 3E 9E 97 8F F9 A1 7C 3B 02 41 (q) 00 F3 CC 86 BC 6E DF AC 53 E1 AE 02 08 0D F9 9C D8 93 F7 C2 68 04 AB 40 BB A3 09 0A BE 9B 8B DB 2A 05 D5 98 D0 7E FD DA 7C 6C 4A 25 F0 37 D7 E0 8A 20 38 F2 79 1B C1 EA 34 59 16 E9 34 DA 07 02 D1 02 40 (dmp1) 42 03 BE 0C DA D8 05 38 46 95 17 71 BF 1C 5E 6E 96 38 89 37 77 C0 CE 42 08 70 B5 D1 30 ED 7A 26 C6 DF 65 18 1C 94 2C 5C 6F 82 2F DE 38 58 A8 D8 34 53 E7 75 E4 FC A1 17 B5 FA CD E5 66 44 5E AD 02 41 (dmq1) 00 C7 9F AA 9B 54 35 B5 87 21 7D 37 90 9C D0 CC 4A D2 2D C6 73 21 8F 8F FB 93 ED 6D 6C D1 34 5D 0A 35 A8 C5 ED C2 6D DD 9E 8F 94 CF 27 B8 B1 FC DB 5C B3 04 67 82 00 EF E2 59 28 57 5F BD 3E 8C 61 02 41 (iqmp) 00 C9 19 A5 48 F4 BE AD 9A 8C 66 07 C6 86 B4 7A A2 89 E3 76 FA 16 AB A8 0F 57 2F B3 12 5B E0 7D 48 C7 8E B2 DA 6E 40 3F E9 57 71 5E D6 19 C9 D1 28 29 8F 44 99 58 98 D9 DC 5B 0D 65 0B B5 A4 3E 6C
from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA rsa = RSA.generate(1024) PrivKey = rsa.exportKey('DER') PubKey = rsa.publickey().exportKey('DER')
SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE { OBJECT IDENTIFIER rsaEncryption (1 2 840 113549 1 1 1) NULL } BIT STRING, encapsulates { SEQUENCE { INTEGER INTEGER 65537 } } }
30 (SEQUENCE序列 标签) 81 (长度扩展) 9f (长度) 30 (序列 标签) 0d (长度) 06 (OBJECT IDENTIFIER标签) 09 (长度) 2a864886f70d010101 ( 表示此密钥用于rsa加密) 05 (NULL标签) 00 (长度) NULL 03 (位串 BIT STRING 标签) 81 (长度扩展) 8d (长度) 00 (bit string未用到的个数, 或者叫填充bit,因为需要按8bit对齐, 不足8bit的, 需要在末尾补0) 30 (序列 标签) 81 (长度扩展) 89 02 (整数标签) 81 (长度扩展) 81 (长度)00d0d0ceefca36275fd389d1602d0794d5ce3e1f93a731751e8e38698e6679ceba145300b8e2276ccdb029e4c83918dd7e6aa8ef54425a3e8ee24c81d542cc0b8d4052f0d3b274b2c8eb3c917169ba5c18ef07c0aac3ae5bc26c732f6e1f5ad0540085343b0cc363dd4c462523c3bd377169a13d7f8166f17f53a2dbe7d4ef703f 02 (整数标签)03 (长度) 010001
如果生成PKCS#1的公钥语法 RSA Public Key Syntax
RSAPublicKey ::= SEQUENCE { modulus INTEGER, -- n publicExponent INTEGER -- e }
也就是,只有bit string的内容
基本编码规则(BER,Basic Encoding Rules)
规范编码规则(CER,Canonical Encoding Rules)
唯一编码规则(DER,Distinguished Encoding Rules)
压缩编码规则(PER,Packed Encoding Rules)
XML编码规则(XER,XML Encoding Rules)
Basic Encoding Rules (BER)是一种自描述的ASN.1数据结构的二进制编码格式。BER编码可以通过一种或多种方式把任意ASN.1值表示成字节字符串(这就增加了一定的不确定性?)。每一个编码后的BER数据依次由数据类型标识(Type identifier),长度描述(Length description), 实际数据(actual Value)排列而成,即BER是一种二进制TLV编码。TLV编码的一个好处,是数据的解析者不需要读取完整的数据,仅从一个不完整的数据流就可以开始解析。
Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER)是BER的子集,主要是消除了BER的一些不确定性的编码规则。DER 用于需要使用唯一的octet string编码的应用程序,例如根据一个ASN.1编码来计算数字签名。
如果长度在 0 - 127 之间,必须使用短型长度表示法。
如果长度大于等于 128,必须使用长型长度表示法,并且长度必须使用尽可能少的字节表示。
对于简单 string 类型和在其基础上使用隐式标签生成的类型,必须使用简单定长编码方法。
PKCS#1 私钥定义
RSAPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE { version Version, modulus INTEGER, -- n publicExponent INTEGER, -- e privateExponent INTEGER, -- d prime1 INTEGER, -- p prime2 INTEGER, -- q exponent1 INTEGER, -- d mod (p-1) exponent2 INTEGER, -- d mod (q-1) coefficient INTEGER, -- (inverse of q) mod p otherPrimeInfos OtherPrimeInfos OPTIONAL }
Java.performNow(function(){ var target = Java.use("com.pacakge.myClass") var threadef = Java.use('java.lang.Thread') var threadinstance = ThreadDef.$new() function Where(stack){ var at = "" for(var i = 0; i < stack.length; ++i){ at += stack[i].toString() + "\n" } return at }"java.lang.String").implementation = function(obfuscated_str){ var ret = var stack = threadinstance.currentThread().getStackTrace() var full_call_stack = Where(stack) send("Deobfuscated " + ret + " @ " + stack[3].toString() + "\n\t Full call stack:" + full_call_stack) return ret } })
var jAndroidLog = Java.use("android.util.Log"); var jException = Java.use("java.lang.Exception"); console.log( jAndroidLog.getStackTraceString( jException.$new() ) );
——-选择文件————EF-ID为6002— 身份证内部序列号, DN码(可能是在户籍部门数据库的主键)—————-
00 a4 00 00 02 6002
80 b0 00 00 20
00 01 02 .. 1c 1d 1e 1f 9000
———-读芯片序列号——- (居民身份证专用集成电路序列号)
00 36 00 00 08
10 e4 10 01 02 03 04 05 9000
————-内部(卡片)认证: 阅读器 验证卡的合法性—————-
00 88 00 52 0a f0007860cd45b884b424 (10字节认证数据)
3e 9a 27 e1 8b 40 b0 b6 (8字节认证响应) 9000
00 84 00 00 08
43 55 e5 fd a5 11 97 d4 9000
—————-外部(阅读器)认证: 卡片 验证阅读器的合法性———
00 82 00 52 0a f0017658026cf003d446
————选择文件 EF-ID 为 6011—- 或者 6017
00 a4 00 00 02 6011
80 b0 00 00 d6
00 a4 00 00 02 6012 或者 6018
80 b0 00 00 e6
80 b0 00 e6 1a
————– 相片数据———————–
00 a4 00 00 02 6013 或者 6019
80 b0 00 00 e6
80 b0 00 e6 e6
80 b0 01 cc e6
80 b0 02 b2 e6
80 b0 03 98 68
00 a4 00 00 02 6021
aa aa aa 96 69 00 04 00 00 41 45 表示读取解码失败
00 04 长度: 后续自己的长度为4
00 00 41 应答码: 读身份证操作失败
45 (xor checksum)
aa aa aa 96 69 00 04 00 00 32 36
00 04 长度
00 00 32 应答码: SAM对卡的认证失败, 00 00 31 卡对SAM的认证失败
36 (xor checksum)
cat /proc/sys/fs/verity/require_signatures 1
cat /vendor/etc/fstab.qcom system /system ext4 ro,barrier=1,discard wait,slotselect,avb=vbmeta_system,logical,first_stage_mount,avb_keys=/avb/q-gsi.avbpubkey:/avb/r-gsi.avbpubkey:/avb/s-gsi.avbpubkey -------------------------------------------------------------- system_ext /system_ext ext4 ro,barrier=1,discard wait,slotselect,avb=vbmeta_system,logical,first_stage_mount -------------------------------------------------------------- product /product ext4 ro,barrier=1,discard wait,slotselect,avb=vbmeta_system,logical,first_stage_mount --------------------------------------------------------------
avbctl --force disable-verification avbctl --force disable-verity disable-verity avbctl disable-verification
0.将Android sparse image格式转换为raw image
simg2img super.img super.img.raw
1.提取 system分区
有两个工具,一个是Android项目中的 lpunpack, 另一个大神的imjtool
lpunpack --partition=system super.img.raw lpunpack --partition=vendor super.img.raw lpunpack --partition=product super.img.raw 提取所有 lpunpack super.img.raw
./imjtool.ELF64 super.img.raw extract MMapped: 0x7f460c400000, imgMeta 0x7f460c401000 liblp dynamic partition (super.img) - Blocksize 0x1000, 3 slots LP MD Header @0x3000, version 10.2, with 10 logical partitions on block device of 8704 GB, at partition super, first sector: 0x800 Partitions @0x3100 in 3 groups: Group 0: default Group 1: qti_dynamic_partitions_a Name: odm_a (read-only, Linux Ext2/3/4/? Filesystem Image, @0x100000 spanning 1 extents of 1 MB) - extracted Name: product_a (read-only, Linux Ext2/3/4/? Filesystem Image, @0x300000 spanning 1 extents of 474 MB) - extracted Name: system_a (read-only, Linux Ext2/3/4/? Filesystem Image, @0x1de00000 spanning 1 extents of 5 GB) - extracted Name: system_ext_a (read-only, Linux Ext2/3/4/? Filesystem Image, @0x15f600000 spanning 1 extents of 473 MB) - extracted Name: vendor_a (read-only, Linux Ext2/3/4/? Filesystem Image, @0x17d000000 spanning 1 extents of 2 GB) - extracted Group 2: qti_dynamic_partitions_b Name: odm_b (read-only, empty) - extracted Name: product_b (read-only, empty) - extracted Name: system_b (read-only, empty) - extracted Name: system_ext_b (read-only, empty) - extracted Name: vendor_b (read-only, empty) - extracted 如果遇到错误,请用sudo执行
2. 修改system.img为可写
fallocate -l 2G system.img /sbin/resize2fs system.img 2G
3.0 移除共享块
如果报错 couldn’t mount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (4000)
可以用下面的命令 去掉
e2fsck -y -E unshare_blocks system.img
/sbin/dumpe2fs vendor_a.img ... Filesystem features: ext_attr dir_index .... extra_isize shared_blocks
3.1 挂载
mount -t ext4 -o loop system.img system 如果是EROFS 只读文件系统 mount -t erofs -o loop system.ext4.img /mnt
4. 编辑 system目录下的文件
5. 卸载 system 目录
umount system
e2fsck -yf system.img
7. 让system.img占用尽可能小的空间
resize2fs -M system.img e2fsck -yf system.img
8. 查看真实分区大小
stat -c '%n %s' system.img stat -c '%n %s' * product.img 1596944384 system.img 1128718336 vendor.img 544976896
lpmake --metadata-size 65536 --super-name super --metadata-slots 1 --device super:4294967296 --group main:3139354624 --partition system:readonly:1128718336:main --image system=./system.img --partition vendor:readonly:544976896:main --image vendor=./vendor.img --partition product:readonly:1596944384:main --image product=./product.img --sparse --output ./ group这里是所有分区的文件大小加起来的和
–metadata-slots 要跟 imjtool 工具输出的一样
实际, device-size设置为8G
lpmake --metadata-size 65536 --device-size=8589934592 --metadata-slots=3 --group=qti_dynamic_partitions_a:8053952512 --partition=odm_a:none:1470464:qti_dynamic_partitions_a --partition=product_a:none:407822336:qti_dynamic_partitions_a --partition=system_a:none:4835311616:qti_dynamic_partitions_a --partition=system_ext_a:none:496226304:qti_dynamic_partitions_a --partition=vendor_a:none:2313121792:qti_dynamic_partitions_a --image=odm_a=./odm_a.img --image=product_a=./product_a.img --image=system_a=./system_a.img --image=system_ext_a=./system_ext_a.img --image=vendor_a=./vendor_a.img --group=qti_dynamic_partitions_b:0 --partition=odm_b:none:0:qti_dynamic_partitions_b --partition=product_b:none:0:qti_dynamic_partitions_b --partition=system_b:none:0:qti_dynamic_partitions_b --partition=system_ext_b:none:0:qti_dynamic_partitions_b --partition=vendor_b:none:0:qti_dynamic_partitions_b --image=odm_b=./odm_b.img --image=product_b=./product_b.img --image=system_b=./system_b.img --image=system_ext_b=./system_ext_b.img --image=vendor_b=./vendor_b.img --sparse --output /media/3/tmp/ lpmake I 10-14 19:06:49 11155 11155 builder.cpp:1031] [liblp]Partition odm_a will resize from 0 bytes to 1470464 bytes lpmake I 10-14 19:06:49 11155 11155 builder.cpp:1031] [liblp]Partition product_a will resize from 0 bytes to 407822336 bytes lpmake I 10-14 19:06:49 11155 11155 builder.cpp:1031] [liblp]Partition system_a will resize from 0 bytes to 4835311616 bytes lpmake I 10-14 19:06:49 11155 11155 builder.cpp:1031] [liblp]Partition system_ext_a will resize from 0 bytes to 496226304 bytes lpmake I 10-14 19:06:49 11155 11155 builder.cpp:1031] [liblp]Partition vendor_a will resize from 0 bytes to 2313121792 bytes Invalid sparse file format at header magic Invalid sparse file format at header magic Invalid sparse file format at header magic Invalid sparse file format at header magic Invalid sparse file format at header magic Invalid sparse file format at header Invalid sparse file format at header Invalid sparse file format at header Invalid sparse file format at header Invalid sparse file format at header
lpmake --metadata-size 65536\ --device-size=4294967296\ --metadata-slots=3\ --group=google_system_dynamic_partitions_a:2222931968\ --partition=odm_a:none:700416:google_system_dynamic_partitions_a\ --partition=product_a:none:266579968:google_system_dynamic_partitions_a\ --partition=system_a:none:1363767296:google_system_dynamic_partitions_a\ --partition=system_ext_a:none:359391232:google_system_dynamic_partitions_a\ --partition=vendor_a:none:232493056:google_system_dynamic_partitions_a\ --image=odm_a=./odm_a.img\ --image=product_a=./product_a.img\ --image=system_a=./system_a.img\ --image=system_ext_a=./system_ext_a.img\ --image=vendor_a=./vendor_a.img\ --group=google_system_dynamic_partitions_b:24563712\ --partition=odm_b:none:0:google_system_dynamic_partitions_b\ --partition=product_b:none:0:google_system_dynamic_partitions_b\ --partition=system_b:none:24563712:google_system_dynamic_partitions_b\ --partition=system_ext_b:none:0:google_system_dynamic_partitions_b\ --partition=vendor_b:none:0:google_system_dynamic_partitions_b\ --image=odm_b=./odm_b.img\ --image=product_b=./product_b.img\ --image=system_b=./system_b.img\ --image=system_ext_b=./system_ext_b.img\ --image=vendor_b=./vendor_b.img\ --sparse \ --output ./
从super分区 提取 可些的system.img
cd /data/local/tmp chmod 755 superunpack.arm64_pie ./superunpack.arm64_pie /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super 1
挂载 system_a.img
mount -t ext4 system_a.img system 如果上面,unpack不加1选项,system分区是只读的, mount是需要加 ro选项 mount -t ext4 -o ro system_a.img system
cd /data/local/tmp mv superrepack.arm64_pie superrepack chmod 755 superrepack stop ./superrepack /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super system_a sync -------------------- stop dd if=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super of=/data/local/tmp/super.bin conv=notrunc /data/local/tmp/superrepack /data/local/tmp/super.bin system_a rw sync dd if=/data/local/tmp/super.img of=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super conv=notrunc sync
在Linux系统也可修改 super.img 镜像
e2fsck -fy -E unshare_blocks system.ext4 -f Force checking even if filesystem is marked clean -y Assume "yes" to all questions -v Be verbose -E extended-options
superunpack 不加 1选项,或者 lpunpack 或者 imgtool都提取的read only的image
/usr/sbin/e2fsck -f system_a.ext4 /sbin/resize2fs system_a.ext4 4G /usr/sbin/e2fsck -fyv -E unshare_blocks system_a.ext4
# mount -t ext4 -o loop,rw system_a.ext4
e2fsck -f
mount -o remount,rw / mount -o remount,rw /system_ext mount -o remount,rw /product mount -o remount,rw /vendor mount | grep dm-
adb push superrepack.arm64_pie /data/local/tmp adb shell su cd /data/local/tmp mv superrepack.arm64_pie superrepack chmod 755 superrepack stop ./superrepack /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/super system_a sync reboot
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
1.安装Android NDK
2. 添加target
rustup target add aarch64-linux-android rustup target add armv7-linux-androideabi rustup target list
3. 配置toolchain
编辑 ~/.cargo/config
[build] target = "armv7-linux-androideabi" [target.armv7-linux-androideabi] linker = "/home/softsim/Android/Sdk/ndk/22.0.7026061/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/armv7a-linux-androideabi27-clang" [target.aarch64-linux-android] linker = "/home/softsim/Android/Sdk/ndk/22.0.7026061/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android27-clang"
NDK 23以上,去掉了 libgcc, 编译不通过,需要手动加上 libgcc
cargo new --bin hello && cd hello cargo build cargo build --target aarch64-linux-android --release --verbose Compiling hello v0.1.0 (/home/softsim/workspace/hello) Running `rustc --crate-name hello --edition=2018 src/ --error-format=json --json=diagnostic-rendered-ansi --crate-type bin --emit=dep-info,link -C opt-level=3 -C embed-bitcode=no -C metadata=fca5cedcba8d4943 -C extra-filename=-fca5cedcba8d4943 --out-dir /home/softsim/workspace/hello/target/aarch64-linux-android/release/deps --target aarch64-linux-android -C linker=/home/softsim/Android/Sdk/ndk/22.0.7026061/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android27-clang -L dependency=/home/softsim/workspace/hello/target/aarch64-linux-android/release/deps -L dependency=/home/softsim/workspace/hello/target/release/deps` Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.26s