terminal capability

在电源协商过程中,终端(手机/modem)会发出一个TERMINAL CAPABILITY命令,用来指示 终端可以提供的最大功率。
在这种情况下,UICC可能会消耗 终端指示的功率,直到断电。

表明的终端能提供的最大功率还要高的话, 那么终端应该取消对这个应用的选择。

62 (FCP) 28 
   82 (文件描述符)02        78 21   (MF共享文件...) 
   83 (文件标识符)02      3F 00 
   A5 (专有信息) 0B 
         80   (UICC特性) 01 71  (允许时钟停止,无优先级别,支持电压级别ABC)
         83  (剩余内存) 03      07 EA 1D 
         87    (Supported commands)                  01   01 
         8A  (生命周期)   01   05 (激活)
       8B  (安全特性)03    2F  06 05 
        C6 (PIN状态模板) 09 
        90 (PSDO标签) 01 40 (PSDO值)
        83 01 01 
        83 01 0A 

注意87标签,值为00 表示 TERMINAL CAPABILITY not supported, 01表示 TERMINAL CAPABILITY is supported

如果3F00 MF文件的FCP表明 支持 TERMINAL CAPABILITY, 应该马上发这么一个命令

80 AA 00 00 0F                TERMINAL CAPABILITY
A9 (Terminal capability constructed Tag)0D 
    83 (Additional Terminal capability indications
related to eUICC)       01   07 
    80 (Terminal power supply)  03   04 3C FF 
    81 (Extended logical channels terminal support)   00 
    82 (Additional interfaces support)   01   01 
90 00 

Terminals supporting eUICC functionality, as defined in GSMA SGP.22 , shall indicate it to the UICC by issuing
the TERMINAL CAPABILITY command with an additional terminal capability indication related to eUICC TLV
object during a new card session before the first application selection.
The terminal capability indications related to eUICC functionality are indicated by tag ’83’ within the constructed TLV

bit0 1 = Local Profile management is supported, 0= Local Profile management is not supported
bit1 1 = Profile Download is supported, 0 = Profile Download is not supported

The eUICC SHALL request the Device to send the Terminal Capability command by setting
the related bit in the file control parameters of the MF.

The Device SHALL report its support of LPA functions using the Terminal Capability
command data defined in ETSI TS 102 221 . This command SHALL be sent before the
SELECT ISD-R command defined in section 5.7.1.

Within the Terminal Capability template (tag ‘A9′), the tag ’83’ is used for indicating the
Device’s support for eUICC related functions.

b1 = Local User Interface in the Device (LUId) supported
b2 = Local Profile Download in the Device (LPDd) supported
b3 = Local Discovery Service in the Device (LDSd) supported
b4 = LUIe based on SCWS supported


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